We know raising a child is rewarding but can also be challenging. For parents and caregivers, it can be hard to know how to support a child or youth who is struggling with mental health or addiction issues. We are here to support you and your loved one through this journey. It is important to know that your child or youth is not alone. There are local resources available to help.


If your child or youth is experiencing any of the following, we are here to help: 

  • Feeling sad, anxious or worried
  • Depressed, hopeless or negative
  • Less motivated
  • Feelings of withdrawn and changes in social interactions
  • Having difficulty focusing
  • Having difficulties getting along with friend or family members
  • Feeling unlike their usual self or changes in behaviour
  • Are you worried they are trying or using drugs and alcohol?
  • Are you concerned they are spending too much time on social media or electronic devices?

This is heading H3

This is heading H4

This is heading H5
This is heading H6
  1. Feeling sad, anxious or worried
  2. Depressed, hopeless or negative
  3. Less motivated
  4. Feelings of withdrawn and changes in social interactions
  5. Having difficulty focusing
  6. Having difficulties getting along with friend or family members
  7. Feeling unlike their usual self or changes in behaviour
  8. Are you worried they are trying or using drugs and alcohol?
  9. Are you concerned they are spending too much time on social media or electronic devices?